Edit/copydefine VSAM files from TSO ISPF.

ISPF/VSAM Utility provides on-line access (through ISPF) to the most often used VSAM functions normally done with IDCAMS batch processing: Allocating (defining), renaming, copying, and deleting VSAM files.  It was designed primarily for use by applications and systems programmers.  IVU allows editing and browsing of VSAM and NON-VSAM files with no LRECL or file size restrictions.

– Editing is available in 2 formats :  Hexadecimal/Character and Copycode.
– Browsing is available in 3 formats: Hexadecimal/Character, Copycode and Full Screen Browse.
– Allocating/Defining VSAM fifles.
– ISPF/VSAM additional features:  Provides sVSAM manipulation by deleting, copying, renaming, and inquiring on VSAM and NON-VSAM datasets.
– Invoking ISPF/VSAM Utility

More information :  MacKinney Systems
