Global Search and Replace z/OS

Scan PDS, Sequential, ICCF, or VSE libraries.

Scan files searching for character strings and optionally replace them with new character strings.  Global Search and Replace supports wildcards and prints an audit trail.

MVS features:
– useful when mass changes to a set of files or members are needed. No need to individually edit and make repetitive changes.
– Input can be from a PDS or Sequential file
– Optionnally creates a IEBUPDTE-format file so that all members can be edited together for specialized changes such as column alignment acress multiple members
– Search and replace up to 99 character strings in one pass
– ISPF panel support incluede
– Search option can be used without replacing data
– Reports can list only finds/changes or members containing a string (other report options availaable as well)
– PDS members can be optionally included or excluded (wildcards are allowed)
– Wildcards can also be used in the search string

More information :  MacKinney Systems
